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Ck oo xiriir jaceyl oo qarsoodi ah in mudda ah la soo waday Samiixa khaliil, ayaa ugu dambayntii cod sir ah oo laga duubay xilli uu la haasaawayay Samiixa, lagu ogaaday in xiriirkoodu uu soo idlaaday, kadib markii ay isku qabsadeen arrin qabyaalad ku salaysan.

Ck iyo Samiixa ayaa xiriirkoodu soo jiitamayay in kabadan lix bilood.

Kooxda haldoor ee qeybta sirdoonka, ayaa inala wadaagay warqad sir ah oo muujinaysa in Samiixa durbadiiba ay xiriir dhow la yeelatay arimaheena oo isna barta youtube caan ka ah.

One thought on “DEG DEG: King Ck oo ku fashilmay xiriirka gabar tiktok caan ka ah.”
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