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waxaa ayaantan baraha laisla dhex marayay in qaali ladan uurkii ay u qaadday raage cabdi uu ka dilmay.Arrintan ayaa sababtay in fannaanada ay jawaab si deg deg ah uga bixiso xanta lagu hadal hayo baraha bulshada.

Qaali ladan ayaa shaaca ka qaadday in arrintaasi ay tahay waxba kama jiraan,ilmaha ay uurka kuwadana uu bad qabo.waxay si gaar ah u canaanatay dadka kasoo horjeeda guusheeda, waxayna ku tilmaamtay inay yihiin dad xaasidiin ah.

Qaali ladan ayaa horay usoo martay liban jigjiga oo ay isqabeen in kabadan hal sano. Waa markii ugu horreyso ay uur qaaddo saddex sano kadib. Fannaaniin badan oo uu kamid yahay iidle yare ayaa qaali ladan ugu soo hambalyeeyay uurka ay qaadday saddex sano kadib.

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