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Majaajiliistaha Caanka ah ee Cabdi Muriidi dheere (ajakis) ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Abukar Mahdi ku kacay fal tuugonimo ah, kadib markii uu ka inkiray lacag farabadan oo uu ku jilay ruwaayad lagu dhigay jabuuti oo uu Abukar Mahdi qarash gareynayay.

Ajakis waxa uu ka dhawaajiyay falka masuuliyad darrada uu ku kacay Abukar mahdi inuu ahaa fal aan la illaabi karin.

Ajakis waxaa kaloo uu shaaca ka qaaday, in Abukar markuu dantiisa gaaray, beddeshay lambarka, taasna ay sababtay in ajakis u suuragali wayso inuu la xiriiro.

Cod sir ah oo laga duubay ajakis ayaa sheegaya in Abukar mahdi yahay nin qayaanoole ah,kuna qaraabta muuqaallada dad uusan ka heysan fasax.

maahan markii ugu horreysay arrin noocaan oo kale uu ku kaco Abukar mahdi.
waxa uuna horay usoo xumeeyay qaar kamid ah maajaajiliista-yaashii ruwaayada qooto-qooto oo ay kamid tahay Faadumiina.

Codka sirta ah ee laga duubay ajakis halkaan ka dhegeyso.

2 thought on “CEEB: Majaajiliiste Caan ah oo bannaanka keenay sirta Abukar mahdi.”
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